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The Author

Larry Katzen is an entrepreneur, a businessman, and an author. After graduating from Drake University in 1967, he started working at Arthur Andersen. He quickly rose through the ranks to eventually become the Great Plains’ Regional Managing Partner. He stayed with the firm for 35 years, serving clients on five continents (North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and Africa) until the firm’s demise in 2002.

In a world of constant turmoil, Larry’s professional and personal careers have been models of consistency. In addition to his 35 years with Arthur Andersen, he has been married to his college sweetheart, Susan, since 1968. They are the proud parents of quadruplets—three sons and one daughter, and the loving grandparents of seven grandchildren.

When they aren’t visiting kids and grandkids in Portland, Tucson, Los Angeles and Chicago, Larry and Susan reside in Rancho Mirage, California.

Since leaving Andersen, Larry has served as a member of the board of directors for three public companies and three privately held companies. Larry has also worked with a script writer to produce a movie script based on the book and additional research called “85,000,” which is the riveting story of a loyal and honest company man who is caught up in the blowback of Enron’s massive malfeasance when the Department of Justice pins the demise on his employer, the “big five” accounting firm Arthur Andersen. Throughout the months-long roller coaster legal battle, the protagonist must navigate the wreckage inflicted on his personal life and rise up to save as many of his employees’ jobs as possible when the dust clears. In the course of events, he also uncovers the political machinations at the highest levels of government that unjustly brought down the accounting firm. Lives were ruined, careers destroyed, and families uprooted in the devastating aftermath of the Enron corporate-greed debacle at the beginning of the 21st century.